
The small-hold farmer is the backbone of Agriculture in Africa. Many of these landowners become discouraged due to the overwhelming challenges they face each year: Global warming results in droughts, flooding, diseases, pests, no capital, poor seed, lack of knowledge-exchange and isolation. Namakwaland Farms has joined forces with local solutions-providers so passionate individuals don’t have to seek work in Urban centers and abandon their first love.
In 2014 we explored opportunities for Commercial Farming partnerships in East African Countries. Our journey for expansion led us to 270 acres’ in land-locked Uganda, a location ideally quarantine’d for quality seed production purposes. Trading as (High Grow Agri ‘UG’) the farm is situated 278km away from Kabale the main Potato Production region and close enough to the main business hub of the capital Kampala. On November 10 we registered Ugandan Company High Grow Agri (U) ltd. alongside Mr. John Mugisha serving as our Resident Director and partner in legal land ownership.
Establishing a 160ha commercial agricultural production enterprise in Masaka under pivot irrigation at Lake Birinzi helped demonstrate execution and practical implementation for small scale farmers.
Currently we produce the highest quality, Ground Nuts, Robusta, & exotic Wild Coffees.We have produced, Maize, Irish Potato, Water Melon, Ghost Chillies.
In our nursery, we experiment with various seedlings, and plantings including Wild Coffee and Chillies.
Ideally situated to grow potatoes, quality seeds can be reproduced in quarantine. This helps small scale farmers avoid the risk of poorer crop yields from recycled seeds.
Irish Potatoes (Potatoes) are mainly sold in bulk in the East African local market, with no form of formal packaging. In terms of standardisation, We sell our products in various packaging formats ranging from 5kg – 10kg bags. Thus making our product much more desirable to the local household buyer.
Namakwaland Farms believe in achieving scale through Out-Growers and training instead of being just another large scale commercial farm.
We have been in the export market of Citrus for almost 2 decades, and thus understand the food-safety regulations and protocols very well. Our vision is to establish this farm as a primary export enterprise in Uganda building a bridge for local out-growers to benefit of higher income sources.
Foundations for Farming is an organisation teaching improved and sustainable conservation agriculture methods to local farmers. Director John Mugisha has implemented the model on a 2 acre adjacent plot on the farm, to showcase the improved results, and is now recruiting and training individual farmers to implement under his supervision.
We strive to:
Namakwaland Farms provides a vehicle for the local farmer in Uganda, to penetrate local fresh food markets using biological farming methods to achieve quality crop production.
We aim to establish our “Namakwaland” brand as the brand of choice in Uganda for fresh produce. The retail market in Uganda is widespread: Supermarkets, hypermarkets as well as the small retailer and the street vendor. Our marketing strategy is focused specifically on these various markets ensuring that we become a producer of choice to these retailers, through consistency, quality, desirability, convenience and ethical business practice.
+256 773 014 337
Irish Potato Seed
For more Information:
Lake Birinzi
Bukakata Road
John Mugisha (Resident Director)
+256 777 682 532
Hussein Kiyemba (Manager)
+256 752 278 213
©Copyright 2020 Namakwaland Farms