Taste and See

We produce the tastiest and visibly most beautiful fruit and vegetables!

Restoring, empowering & advancing our communities through commercial agriculture.


Namakwaland Farms is a diverse partnership of community stakeholders operating from principles of shared value.  

Using our ‘50% profit / 50% impact model’ we are in a unique position to transform the way business operates in society. We believe that the industry is poised to thrive by prioritising the fundamental recognition of individual and collective potential.

(motto on South Africa’s coat of arms written in Khoisan)

The Stockholm Resilience Centre recently offered new way of viewing the SDGs and how they are all linked to food.  Using this context, we can leverage our diversity to bridge concepts such as stakeholder capital, shared value and environmental, social and (multi-stakeholder) governance (ESG). 

Value Proposition

Our unique approach allows us to optimise the activity of agricultural value chain to both benefit local/ international businesses and urban/rural communities.

• Optimal Production: Maximum Yield per Ha

• High Quality Produce: Maximum Taste & Nutritional Value

• Considered Profitability: Sustainable Profit and Cost-Effective

• Moral and Ethical Integrity in Business Processes

• Stringent Farming Standards and Best Practice Technologies

• Food security through commercial & small-farmer collaboration

• Rural community empowerment through sustainable value & supply chain integration

• Financial health of farmers through import market access

• Agricultural Training and Information

• Products, and services for agricultural risk mitigation

Employees sourced locally, honouring relationships with the local leaders and chiefs. Unleashing human capital potential, value, dignity and healed sense of self.

From shareholder to stakeholder capitalism – integrating fourth bottom line values through cultivating capital, integrity and humanity for benefit-sharing.

Nature teaches us that all life is interrelated, we are joined through the web of mutuality – whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. Understanding our connectivity and collaborating to turn challenges into opportunities brings foresight to innovate methodologies for creating sustainable thriving communities.

Growing through the value of diversity while learning to identify and maximizing sources of wealth through the collective development of human capital.

Systems management styles develop intra and entrepreneurial mindsets. This in turn fosters a sense of self worth, commitment and responsibility to collective success.

Learning from complex natural systems to ensure quality of life for future generations through responsible natural resource management and honouring traditional indigenous knowledge as fundamental to restoring biodiversity.

Contact Us

South Africa

Graafwater Way
Tweeriviere Farm
Clanwilliam, 8135
+27 (027) 482 2503


Lake Birinzi
Bukakata Road

John Mugisha (Resident Director)
+256 777 682 532

Hussein Kiyemba (Manager) 
+256 752 278 213 

 ©Copyright 2020 Namakwaland Farms